Data Round Table

Bettina Nissen
Design Informatics

A workshop toolkit for discussing data privacy and consent.

About the project:

How should data be collected, used, and shared?

Data Round Table is a workshop toolkit designed to open up discussions around data sharing practices and privacy models amongst stakeholders with a clear objective to generate actionable and dynamic data privacy guidelines for a smart environment, service or system.

Using the toolkit, participants are guided through the processes of:

  1. Identifying the types of data that are being generated
  2. Articulating personal preferences for how this data should be collected and processed
  3. Confronting the frictions that exist between multiple participants' preferences
  4. Designing a shared data privacy policy that accommodates desires of all stakeholders
  5. Identifying insights to guide participants in the design of future data privacy models

The symbolism of a Round Table aims to encourage a fair and equal discussion among a group of stakeholders and workshop participants by creating a common ground for discussion. Bringing people together around the table for a shared and open debate is meant to forego existing power structures and bring people from different backgrounds in conversation with one another on an equal footing.

An updated version of the toolkit, with design from Peak15 is currently in production, so watch this space.



Thank you to our play testers and workshop participants.

Data Round Table was part of the PACTMAN research project and was funded by EPSRC.

Copyright © Joe Revans 2024